How Technology Accommodates Educational Styles [Learn Right Now]

Educational Technology

The word technology is one of the most debated terms by many researchers and thinkers. They had multiple opinions on this word. The differences between the respective fields of expertise are remarkable, and the technical characteristics are also being developed in multiple ways on a daily basis.

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That is, ever since man began to invent and discover, when he discovered it during the primitive spontaneous marches he made in his environment, he saw it as a means, a tool, and made use of it. Serving him, supporting him, and later technology developed, which became an integral part of human life.

Because of this amazing and astonishing development, some thinkers believe it is the main cause of all the changes that occur in the world. It is worth noting that the word (technology) first appeared in 1770 AD in a German city and consists of two parts.

Greek meaning: art, or handicraft, and the second part consists of the word (logie). It means science or theory. Note that this word in Arabic does not have a definite meaning.

Thus, it has been Arabicized and pronounced in Arabic (technology) like English

Because these instruments may exist in simple or complex forms, may be manual or automated, and may be used individually or collectively, this definition is useful for educational processes in which technology education is A term that encompasses the various types of devices, machines, and equipment necessary for the educational process, from the invention of the old or traditional blackboard to the educational inventions available in our time, each of these Noteworthy means have a variety of characteristics, depending on the extent of their effect.


Modern instructional technology tools

Manually operated instructional machines:

Machines of this type are simple. In short, these machines were used in the service of educational processes, so they are easy to operate and use. Because teachers play a big role in it. The use of these machines, as well as examples of this type of machine, are considered an integral part of the educational process. A pointer, map or anything else that the material indicates that is used to identify a part of the lesson or a particular location on the board. This pointer can be wooden or in the form of a metal pen. Mechanical

Teaching Machines:

This type of teaching machine works by moving its parts in a rather complex way, either by humans or by electric motors. Machines are usually used with non-simple materials, keeping in mind that the more complex teaching materials diversify and increase, the more mechanical educational machines diversify.

As there came to be a large number of educational machines forming pairs to interact with humans. Examples of these machines are devices used to display educational films and slide projectors where educational slides related to the material at hand are used to best complete the educational process.

Electronic Educational Machines:

This type of educational machine uses electrical energy, converts it to electronic energy, or takes the form of electronic pulses that travel through it. It is completely different from mechanical machines. Despite this difference, these machines contain mechanical parts inside, as there is no light radiation inside.

Computer Aided Education: Humans use computers today. Display various teaching materials.

Smart computer-assisted education:

Education using computers equipped with artificial intelligence. Many intellectual programs are used to make learners more sensitive and understand the lessons. Distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of each learner.

Advantages of Modern Technical Educational Methods Modern educational methods have several advantages. Important time for students. Also, if a student acquires a certain experience that the teacher cannot provide in the classroom and the student cannot acquire that experience. These technologies offer alternative experiences in a simple and graphical way.

Transforming the negativity associated with the educational process into an interactive process:

Modern educational methods contribute to encouraging students to interact, search and discover rather than verbal or passive acceptance.

Without making an effort to search for information, these techniques increase student attention and reduce the percentage of students whose thoughts wander and disperse quickly. This is because, in addition to the focus on various teaching methods, these methods help students to experience all the questions on their minds through simulation. Mitigate a variety of issues that exhibit individual differences among students. With the contribution of these means and techniques, we offer many experiences suitable for all levels, allowing students to learn independently at any time.

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Finding solutions to problems related to time and place:

It is now possible to study in many remote areas or places considered dangerous, inaccessible or costly. access it. These technologies allow students to reach these locations while at their own location.

Bridging the Shortage of Qualified Teachers: These technologies have enabled large numbers of students to reach out to and learn from large numbers of qualified teachers. Various colleges and universities offered them the opportunity to study distance.

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